This video introduces the recent publication, Reentry Through the Lens of the Returning Individual, which shares personal experiences and insights fro...
With so many lives impacted by incarceration, quite simply: Reentry Matters. Hear firsthand why reentry matters from individuals around the country li...
Hosted by The Council of State Governments Justice Center and the U.S. Department of Justice’s Office of Justice Programs’ Bureau of Justice Assistanc...
Ruby Qazilbash, Deputy Director of the U.S. Department of Justice's Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), closes out Second ...
National Institute of Justice Director Nancy La Vigne and the Director of the Bureau of Justice Statistics Alex Piquero discuss important topics, prog...
This video introduces the recent publication, Reentry Through the Lens of the Returning Individual, which shares personal experiences and insights fro...
In these interviews, youth-serving representative, Joshua Calarino from Youth MOVE National, talks with young people about their reentry preparation a...
This video from the Corrections and Community Engagement Technical Assistance Center (CCETAC) highlights the recent publication, Trauma-Informed Pract...
With so many lives impacted by incarceration, quite simply: Reentry Matters. Hear firsthand why reentry matters from individuals around the country li...