National Resource Center on Justice Involved Women

Mentoring and Community Partnerships

National Resource Center on Justice Involved Women Cover

The National Resource Center on Justice-Involved Women (NRCJIW) addresses the needs of women involved in the justice system. NRCJIW is committed to increasing success for women who have been involved in the justice system—providing training and technical assistance and creating resources for justice agencies on evidence-based strategies for women.

The NRCJIW's approach includes:

  • Maintaining a comprehensive library of resources
  • Delivering targeted training and technical assistance to state and local justice system professionals, policymakers, and practitioners
  • Developing policy briefs, tools, and other materials to fill significant resource gaps in the field
  • Serving as a clearinghouse for model policies and practical tools
  • Referring practitioners to sources of information and research about justice-involved women and gender-informed practice and subject matter experts

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