Testing the Next Generation of Subsidized Employment Programs: An Introduction to the Subsidized and Transitional Employment Demonstration and the Enhanced Transitional Jobs Demonstration

Criminal and Juvenile Records
Evaluation and Sustainability

Testing the Next Generation of Subsidized Employment Programs Cover

Launched in 2010, the Subsidized and Transitional Employment Demonstration (STED) evaluation from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the Enhanced Transitional Jobs Demonstration evaluation from the U.S. Department of Labor are studying 13 subsidized employment programs in 10 locations across the United States.

The programs encompass three broad categories:

  • Modified Transitional Jobs Models
  • Wage Subsidy Models
  • Hybrid Models

The goal of these complementary large-scale projects is to evaluate the effectiveness of the latest generation of subsidized employment models that aim to improve participants’ long-term success in the labor market. This report introduces the projects and presents some preliminary findings about implementation of the demonstrations.

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