Report: A Better Path Forward for Criminal Justice

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Correctional Supervision: Prisons and Jails
Law Enforcement

A Better Path Forward for Criminal Justice Reform report coverIn this report from the Brookings Institution and American Enterprise Institute's Working Group on Criminal Justice Reform, experts from a broad spectrum of domains and policy perspectives offer policymakers research-grounded analysis and recommendations to support sustained, bi-partisan reforms to move the criminal justice system toward a more humane and effective footing. 

The report is available in full or as eight individual chapters that each concisely summarize the state of research on a given topic and offer bipartisan recommendations for short-, medium- and long-term reforms. Chapter 7 on prisoner Reentry discusses the fact that more than half of individuals who were formerly incarcerated do not find stable employment in their first year of return, and three-quarters are rearrested within three years. Within the chapter, the reports experts offer a range of policies to improve reentry outcomes and increase racial equity in the criminal justice system.

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