HUD Actions to Address Reentry Housing Needs and Increase Public Safety
Criminal and Juvenile Records
Second Chance Month
On June 23, 2021, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Marcia L. Fudge outlined actions that the Department is taking to improve public safety by addressing the housing needs of citizens returning from jail, prison, and other detention, including through the recently awarded 70,000 emergency housing vouchers funded by the American Rescue Plan.
In a letter sent to public housing authorities, Continuums of Care, multifamily owners, and HUD grantees, Secretary Fudge clarified that returning citizens who are at-risk of homelessness are among the eligible populations for these emergency housing vouchers and encouraged public housing authorities and their Continuum of Care partners to ensure that eligible returning citizens are given consideration for these vouchers. Secretary Fudge also discussed additional steps that HUD is taking to improve access to housing for returning citizens and people with criminal records.
Secretary Fudge’s letter is tied to the Biden-Harris Administration’s comprehensive strategy to increase public safety.