Enhancing Community Supervision through use of Evidence-based Practices: Preparing Supervision Staff to Advance Behavior Change

Second Chance Month
April 2023

Youth & Young Adults

Enhancing Community Supervision through use of Evidence-based Practices: Preparing Supervision Staff to Advance Behavior Change

Enhancing Community Supervision Through Use Of Evidence-based Practices Cover

April 11, 2023

The risk/needs/responsivity model has been used in jurisdictions throughout the country for over two decades to assist youth in making long-term behavior changes and avoid recidivism. This webinar will review a variety of research-based tools community supervision agencies have adopted over the past years – including the use of a risk and needs assessment, motivational interviewing, cognitive intervention practices, case management, and graduated responses – and help participants shift to seeing themselves as coaches of behavior change rather than simply monitors of compliance.

This interactive workshop explored how community supervision practitioners can obtain skills to improve client-staff interactions and use evidence-based tools such as case plans and cognitive behavioral interventions to effectively coach youth towards long-term behavior change. Participants left this session with the tools to create a plan to implement a similar structure.

