Statewide Recidivism Reduction Initiative (FY 2018)

The purpose of the FY 2018 Second Chance Act Statewide Adult Recidivism Reduction Strategic Plan Implementation Program (SRR Implementation Program) is to provide state agencies with resources and technical assistance to implement previously developed strategic plans that will result in improved reentry systems and reduced recidivism among populations released from incarceration.

Objectives and Deliverables

BJA selected at least three states to deliver on the following objectives, focused on reducing recidivism and violent crime:

  • Align agency practices with best and evidence-based practices to:
    • Focus on the offenders most likely to recidivate. 
    • Use risk and needs assessments to inform resource-allocation decisions and individual case responses. 
    • Establish and scale up evidence-based programs and practices that reduce recidivism and ensure they are implemented with fidelity. 
    • Implement community supervision policies and practices that promote successful reentry. 
  • Assess and document the process and outcomes of implementing recidivism and violent crime reduction strategies to serve as models for other agencies throughout the nation.
  • Promote and increase collaboration among agencies and officials who work in prisons, probation, parole, law enforcement, treatment, housing, workforce development, reentry, and related fields.

For more information, see the most recent BJA grant solicitation (PDF).