Building Second Chances: Tools for Local Reentry Coalitions

PARTS 1 & 2

This toolkit is designed for local city, county, and community leaders who want to play an active role in improving reentry policy, practice, and outcomes. Within, you will find user-friendly references to seminal publications, research findings, and noteworthy examples of the foundational knowledge needed to design new reentry strategies and reinvigorate existing ones.

Icon of group of people appearing to be held in a handBuilding Broad Community Support

Ultimately, your local community members benefit the most from a successful reentry strategy. But without their buy-in and commitment to improving the reentry process, the policy, practice, and funding changes discussed so far cannot be accomplished effectively. This section of the toolkit will focus on the widespread community support your local reentry coalition will need to maintain momentum and funding, sustain policy and practice improvements, and achieve the ultimate goal of any reentry strategy—safer, stronger communities.

This section covers: