Building Second Chances: Tools for Local Reentry Coalitions
This toolkit is designed for local city, county, and community leaders who want to play an active role in improving reentry policy, practice, and outcomes. Within, you will find user-friendly references to seminal publications, research findings, and noteworthy examples of the foundational knowledge needed to design new reentry strategies and reinvigorate existing ones.
Part 1: Fundamentals of Reentry
Introduction to the Reentry Toolkit
This Part of the toolkit guides you through how to make systemic—not programmatic—changes to help individuals in recovery readjust to family, work, and community life. These fundamentals were compiled for busy local reentry coalition leaders who may not know where to start and are looking for practical guidance.
Part 1 of this toolkit is organized into three section:
This section reviews how to design comprehensive, strategic, and systemic reentry efforts that improve the likelihood that people will safely and successfully transition from incarceration to the community.
For local communities just beginning the process of designing their reentry strategy, this section is a good place to begin.
In this section, you will learn how to:
- Establish or reinvigorate a local reentry coalition
- Create a reentry map
- Pinpoint opportunities for improvement
This section reviews the essential elements of recidivism reduction.
For communities seeking advice on how to reduce recidivism, this section offers practical guidance on applying these essential elements to local reentry efforts.
In this section, you will learn how to:
- Determine what recidivism metrics to track
- Establish a baseline recidivism rate and set reduction goals
- Focus resources on the people with the greatest needs who are most likely to recidivate
- Use evidence-based practices Track your progress
The work covered in previous sections is predicated on the availability of accessible and effective services, supports, and care for people once they return to their communities.
This section reviews how local reentry coalition leaders can support the provision of critical health and social service supports for people leaving prison or jail.
In this section, you will learn how to:
- Connect people to safe, stable, affordable housing
- Ensure access to quality treatment and services for behavioral health needs
- Advance economic opportunity and mobility Promote connections to family and prosocial networks