The Data-Broker Threat: Proposing Federal Legislation to Protect Post-Expungement Privacy
Journal Article
Clean Slate
Collateral Consequences
Criminal and Juvenile Records
Reentry population:
Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology
The Data-Broker Threat: Proposing Federal Legislation to Protect Post-Expungement Privacy
This Comment, from Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law's Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology, discusses the underlying purpose for and importance of providing relief through expungement.Of particular importance is that expungement allows individuals to obtain employment and housing, unhampered by their status as ex-offenders.
The Comment proceeds by discussing the evolution of the databroker industry and how criminal records have become readily available through largely unregulated, private, non-government sources.
The authors then argue that the unregulated release of information by data brokers is posing a serious threat to the important role that expungement plays.
The authors then discuss why a federal regulatory scheme is the best way to protect post expungement privacy rights.
The Comment concludes by outlining the legislative aims in creating such a statute.